thankthatstar wrote in lautner_daily Jan 04, 2010 22:25
holy shizz tay: your face, lol @: everything, action: lookin' totes gangster, face: oh yeah i'm tough, face: bitch please, clothes: von dutch, action: being a complete dork, clothes: in my white tee, face: baby face, things we ♥: taylor in general, action: idek, things we ♥: rares!!, clothes:, age: young, face: i can't even handle it, face: i'm hot shit, cibele: is lmaoing, sameoldthing: we did last week, action: like a boss, taylor: thinks he's gangsta, face: adorkable, action: posing for the photogs, face: cheesy, taylor: is adorable, location: i wish i knew, holy shizz tay: you're a baby, face: hilariously cute, hair: idk i can't see it
thankthatstar wrote in lautner_daily Sep 22, 2009 19:56
action: i have no idea, hair: wet, holy shizz tay: your arms, face: baby face, taylor: is so endearing, bb taylor!!, omg he's so tinyyy, action: being adorable of course, age: young, hair: short but cute, location: some beach somewhere, action: interacting with others, holy shizz tay: your abs, action: showing off those guns, clothes: swimming trunks, action: posing for the photogs, lol @: bb taylor being super buff, people: i have no idea, holy shizz tay: you're a baby
thankthatstar wrote in lautner_daily Jul 12, 2009 22:40
holy shizz tay: your face, action: smiling like a maniac, clothes: picture day, face: super super happy omg, clothes: in my white tee, things we ♥: his face, clothes: jacket, action: being adorable of course, face: killer smile, hair: not the best style, age: young, location: school yearbook, people: schoolmates, face: content, holy shizz tay: your smile, action: posing for the photogs, face: cheesy, things we ♥: his smile, hair: lol spiky, blast from the past
thankthatstar wrote in lautner_daily Jul 05, 2009 19:08
holy shizz tay: your face, face: relaxed, age: young, holy shizz tay: your smile, face: content, era: sharkboy and lavagirl, lights love tay, action: posing for the photogs, things we ♥: his smile, clothes: baseball tee, people: victoria justice, hair: lol spiky, face: killer smile, action: being adorable of course
myjetplane wrote in lautner_daily Jun 05, 2009 18:19
face: full of glee, hilarys tags: are awesome, hilary: is green with envy, justine: is just jealous, face: super super happy omg, clothes: in my white tee, justine: has more creative tags than hil, holy shizz tay: your everything, face: oh hai thar, taylor: is so endearing, hair: perfection, action: being adorable of course, action: in motion, hilary: is a rebel for posting this, hilary: her tags were jank ;), age: young, face: killing me, action: like a boss, face: content, lights love tay, action: stuntin' is a habit, things we ♥: his smile, action: smooth criminal, do i dazzle you?, face: exhilarating smile, clothes: jeans, face: hilariously cute, action: being silly
thankthatstar wrote in lautner_daily May 19, 2009 17:40
location: nick studios, clothes: baggy shirt and shorts, age: young, it's land lubber, face: half-smile, face: content, action: posing for the photogs, taylor: is so endearing, taylor: is a voice actor, hair: lol spiky, hilary: is going to love this, taylor: is a pirate ghost
thankthatstar wrote in lautner_daily May 08, 2009 19:00
age: young, clothes: polo, face: content, action: like a boss, action: stuntin' is a habit, clothes: pinstriped shorts lol, action: smooth criminal, hair: lol spiky, clothes: sunglasses
thankthatstar wrote in lautner_daily May 02, 2009 16:08
people: alyson stoner, age: young, face: in midst of speaking, hair: lol spiky, clothes: polo, action: flirting, era: cheaper by the dozen 2
thankthatstar wrote in lautner_daily May 01, 2009 17:02
people: carmen electra, age: young, action: waving, people: eugene levy, face: exhilarating smile, clothes: button-up shirt, era: cheaper by the dozen 2
myjetplane wrote in lautner_daily Apr 30, 2009 01:37
hilary: is a rebel for posting this, age: young, clothes: polo, clothes: jacket, hair: lol spiky, face: in midst of singing, people: robbie amell, era: cheaper by the dozen 2